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Are you a business owner?  Do you want to have hundreds of potential customers from all over Massachusetts to see your ad? Promote your organization by placing an advertisement in our Program, and let those individuals know that you proudly support local business and the Arts.

Full Page – $250

Specs: Width: 2120 pixels (7.067 in, 300 dpi) 

            Height: 3176 pixels (10.587 in, 300 dpi)

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Half Page – $150

Specs: Width: 2120 pixels (7.067 in, 300 dpi) 

            Height: 1548 pixels (5.16 in, 300 dpi)

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Quarter Page – $100

Specs: Width: 1020 pixels (3.4 in, 300 dpi) 

            Height: 1548 pixels (5.16 in, 300 dpi)

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